Quick Update
RepRap Mendel is done:
And a talk was given at Campus Party Colombia about it. Also later in Bogota the same talk was given at Maloka and weeks later in the Sofware Freedom day in Barranquilla.
I met Wolfgang Spraul Cparty too, place in wich he give two interesting talks about the Milkymist project and Copyleft Hardware Movement. great man he is !
I got 23 year old in Sep :p
I was too at in really amazing event near to my town, it was about the importance of the organic Seeds and sharing knowldge of our Peasant in Colombia. I must recall that even more now that our times face issues with this "Genetically modified organism"in wich seeds are in that way, and is a DANGER for our food autonomy and Ecosystem diversity let the corporations to take control of life. Also if i want practice permaculture in the long term i need organic Seeds and no faked ones that market starting to sell.
About hardware development i started some weeks ago a project about creating a gps free stack, i have not much to tell now, hope more soon.
I forgot to say i got an AVNET 49usd board, (the cheapest i founded) to start some learning about the Milkymsit platform, right now i'm working in a "How to", wich is based on how to add a counter module to the SoC, more updates will come soon too.
My last event, was in Pereira a City 2hrs away from home, the event name is JSL (Jornadas de Sofware Libre), wich its mission is have a space of work, discuss and link long works and ideas about long term work around Free Sofware dynamics in different fields.
I also i'm fixing my makerbot cupcake cnc printer, i bought an automatic build platform wich i hope will help me to produce reprap plastic parts kit to sell people interested (wich already contactc me asking me for parts).
Ah, i almost forgot i got a new server is an Soerkis 5501 board plus case (it was given as payment of an old debt), i hope host more stuff soon like database, blogs for friends and who know what else :D
Well i think thats all for now.